Neuroradiology is a subspecialty of radiology which is concentrated on the nervous system, spine, head and neck. In general, neuroradiology encompasses the imaging and diagnosis of an extremely wide range of abnormalities, diseases and disorders such as; brain injury, bleeding, tumors, brain aneurysm, stroke, blood clots, sinus problems and degenerative diseases, as well as many others.
Further, interventional neuroradiology is the subspecialty of neuroradiology which provides for the minimally invasive treatment of some of these diseases and disorders.
CT and MRI are the most commonly used imaging modalities, while ultrasound and angiography are used much less frequently.
With MRI, life support equipment must be kept away from the area to be imaged and exam times are longer than that of a CT scan; for these reasons a CT scan is used more often in trauma situations. However, judgment on the appropriate exam is always made on a case by case basis.